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2:1  You therefore, my son, be strengthened in the grace which is in Yeshua The Messiah,
2:2  And those things which you have heard from me by many witnesses, entrust those things to trustworthy men, who are able also to teach others.
2:3  And endure hardships as a good Soldier of Yeshua The Messiah.
2:4  Is not a Soldier bound in matters of the world to please him who has chosen him?
2:5  And if a man competes, he is not crowned if he does not compete by the rules.
2:6  It is fitting for the plowman who toils that he first be sustained by his crop.
2:7  Consider what I say. May our Lord give you wisdom in everything.
2:8  Call to mind Yeshua The Messiah, who arose from the place of the dead, he who is from the seed of David according to my Gospel,
2:9  In which I suffer evil things, even unto chains, as an evildoer, but the word of God is not chained.
2:10  Because of this, I endure everything for the sake of The Elect Ones, that they also may find the life which is in Yeshua The Messiah with eternal glory.
2:11  And this word is trustworthy, for if we have died with him, we shall also live with him,
2:12  And if we suffer, we shall also reign with him, but if we renounce him, he will also renounce us.
2:13  And if we shall not have believed in him, he continues in his faithfulness, for he cannot renounce himself.
2:14  Remind them of these things, and charge them before our Lord that they should not dispute about words without profit, to the overthrow of those who hear such things.
2:15  And take care of yourself, that you present yourself perfectly before God, a laborer without shame, who preaches the word of truth straightforwardly.
2:16  And avoid empty words in which there is no benefit, for they will all the more add to the wickedness of those who converse in them,
2:17  And their speech will seize many like a consuming cancer, and one of them is Humenayus, and another, Philetus,
2:18  These who have wandered from the truth, while saying that the resurrection of the dead has occurred, and overthrow the faith of some.
2:19  But the foundation of God stands firm, and it has this seal: “And THE LORD JEHOVAH knows those who are his, and let everyone who calls on the name of THE LORD JEHOVAH separate from evil.”
2:20  But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold or silver, but also of wood and of pottery, some of them for honor and some for dishonor.
2:21  If a man will purify himself from these things, he is a pure vessel for honor, suitable for the use of his Lord and ready for every good work.
2:22  Escape from all lusts of youth and run after righteousness, faith, love, and peace, with those who call on our Lord with a pure heart.
2:23  Abstain from the disputes of fools who are without instruction, for you know that they generate conflict.
2:24  But a Servant of our Lord ought not to fight, but to be humble toward every person, instructive and long-suffering,
2:25  That he may instruct with humility those who dispute against him. Perhaps God will give them repentance and they will know the truth,
2:26  And they will remember their souls and break loose from the trap of Satan by whom they were captured for his pleasure.